MAISEY’S BIRTH story (& AN awesome tip FOR getting through CONTRACTIONS!)

This article was originally published on
Before I went into labor I loved reading other bloggers birth stories. Our labor and delivery was quite outstanding and I’m so excited to share it with the world.


I went into early labor 24 hours before we went into the hospital. Jarrett and I tracked all of my contractions from the notes section on his iPhone. They started roughly at 5pm the day before Maisey was born. Although they weren’t intense or frequent enough for me to worry about.

The contractions became more consistent overnight from 1am to 5am.I woke up that morning and the feeling of the contractions had actually subsided significantly and I became super discouraged. I thought for sure I was going to be ready to go in for labor that morning. (If only I knew.. lol)

Maisey was born on her grandma Kim’s (Jarrett’s mom) bday, so Jarrett left that morning to go visit with his mom. I was still feeling contractions so I stayed back. While Jarrett was out visiting with his folks, the contractions picked back up again. At this point I was texting Jarrett the exact hour and minute of each contraction I was having. (Of course as soon as my husband leaves the house my contractions were happening every 5 mins or so.) The contractions weren’t lasting a full minute so I still didn’t feel any rush to go to the hospital.

My sister in-law had taught me to hum through my contractions. This literally saved my life! And if you get as far along as I did through the labor it will sound like you are trying out for tone deaf musical. The louder the hum, the better! spending most of my labor at home was very peaceful. I had my candles lit, music playing, and my kitties were near me. I would roll and bounce on my yoga ball up until we left for the hospital.

Jarrett and I decided early on that we didn’t want to take any birthing classes. There were a few reasons I didn’t want to take a birthing class:1) it’s an 8 hour class (usually held on weekends and I don’t have weekends off) so who has time for that? especially when you are pregnant and feeling awful, that’s legit the last thing I wanted to do with my time off.2) Every mom I’ve ever talked to said “biggest waste of time” and I took their word for it.3) This 3rd reason holds the most truth as to why I didn’t seek birthing advice, as I wanted a complete open mind to the experience. I wanted to trust my body and just listen to my inner voice. Women have been having babies since the beginning of time. I trusted I would know what I needed to do in that moment and that was enough for me. If I didn’t know, I knew the nurses and my midwife would guide me. Which they totally did btw.

I tried to last as long as I could at home. I liked being in the comfort of my own home vs. a hospital room. The pain eventually got to the point it was so intense it was hard for me to even stand. The “pain” I experienced was a tightening sensation in my lower back, which is actually how I experience cramps when I’m on my period. So the best way I can describe contractions is a more intense period cramp. At this point I called for Jarrett and told him it was time to head to the hospital. He already had the car all packed up with our hospital bags. luckily for us we only live 2 minutes from our hospital.

Once we arrived at the hospital I was already 6 cm dilated. WOW! I think this took my midwife and nurses by surprise. I can remember how relieved I was when they told me I was 6 cm dilated. My greatest fear was being sent home and told I hadn’t even started labor. Everyone always tell’s you, “you’ll know when you are in labor”. I think that holds some truth, but in my case my water didn’t break, there was no blood, and my contractions only lasted 30 seconds (not the standard 1 minute they tell you to wait for) so I wasn’t crystal clear if what I was feeling were labor pains.

By the time they admitted us into our birthing suite I was very ready for the epidural. My contractions seemed to be about 1-2 minutes apart and lasting well over a minute. By the time I got the epidural I was 8 cm dilated. The one thing I had stressed in my birthing plan was to get this damn epidural! As Jarrett would say “the second [I] got an epidural I was a changed woman.” LOL! I wish he was wrong but it was so true. I felt so relaxed and I was ready to have this baby. any worry I had going into labor completely vanished. Basically my epidural was life changing.

My midwife predicted the baby would come around midnight. I was getting pretty relaxed at this point knowing we had a few hours to kill before baby would come (it was around 8pm at this time). I can remember the nurse describing to me what it would feel like when I was ready to push. She said “lots of pressure on my butt” and it would feel like “I need to go to the bathroom”. I looked at her and said “yeah.. I’m ready to push if that’s the case.” She almost doubted moja istota. Skontrolovala, ako ďaleko som dilatovaný. Určite som bol asi 9 cm. Zavolala na pôrodnú asistentku, ale bola na obedovej prestávke. Chudobná sestra, myslím, že sa práve modlila, aby som sa mohla držať ďalších 15 minút, aby sa pôrodná asistentka vrátila.

Akonáhle sa moja pôrodná asistentka vrátila (okolo 2030 hod.), Zlomila mi vodu pre mňa a nastal čas začať tlačiť.


Mal som jednu zdravotnú sestru, ktorá zdvihla ľavú nohu a Jarrett ma držal vpravo. Na moje prekvapenie zadržujete dych, keď tlačíte (hovoríte o tréningu). V tomto okamihu som nemal bolesti, bol som pripravený mať toto dieťa. Bolo to asi 45 minút tlačenia a Maisey dorazí o 21:23. Nie, tlak, ktorý priviedol Maiseyho do sveta, sa nelíšil ako všetky tlaky, ktoré prišli predtým. Vedel som, že musím byť blízko sledovaním Jarrettovej tváre. Celú dobu ma povzbudzoval a keď ju Maisey debutoval, jeho oči sa rozžiarili. Jeho tvár, keď sa narodila, je navždy zakorenená v mojej pamäti. Bol skončený s radosťou, rovnako ako i.bam! Tam bola. Malý Maisey June bol umiestnený na moju hruď. Dve sestry ju pracovali na tom, aby ju celkom rýchlo vyčistili. Bola široko hore a pozrela sa na mňa svojimi veľkými krásnymi očami. Bol som vzlykajúci horúci neporiadok. Pôvodne som naplánoval, aké by moje prvé slová boli pre ňu, ale to všetko vyšlo z okna, keď som sa s ňou stretol. Práve som plakal a znova a znova som jej povedal, aká bola pekná. Nechcel som to znieť tak povrchne, ale bola to pravda. Bola úplne dokonalá. Nemohol som uveriť po dobu 10 mesiacov, som nosil toto milé dievča. Okamžite naša rodina rástla a bol to najsilnejší pocit lásky, akú som kedy cítil.

Pokiaľ ide o naše rodiny – Jarrett koordinoval s mojou rodinou a jeho celý deň. Požehnaj jeho srdce. Naše rodiny dorazili do nemocnice okolo 20:00. Priniesli jablká kartových hier do jabĺk, aby zabili čas. Krátko po 22:00 sa všetky naše rodiny zhromaždili, aby sa stretli s Maisey. She was greeted with so much love!!

Memorable Moments

There were a lot of memorable moments from this special day. Jarrett helped create a list with me of some of the things that were taking place while I was in labor.

Smell: Candle was Coastal MorningWeather: Cloudy with on and off sun breaks. 57 degrees. The night before labor was a huge rainstorm!What was I doing: Rolling / Bouncing on a yoga ball between contractions. APlaces you visited: Two days before labor we drove out to Bellevue and went to the mall.Food: Wendys chicken Sandwich was the last meal I had before going to the hospital. This was my biggest craving of my entire pregnancy.Music: Kacey Musgraves, golden hour AlbumTV Show: Stranger ThingsMovie: How to be single (oh the irony).What I wore into Hospital: Orange Boho Maxi Dress

O autorovi

Find her on Instagram here or her blog here!

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ARROW’S BIRTH STORY- AN early morning home BIRTH

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