Thanksgiving : a Time to reflect on the past Year and give thanks to the Lord

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This year I have a lot to be thankful for.  I also have several people in my life who are in need of prayers. Every Thanksgiving I write about my faith and what the church teaches about gratitude.  This year is no exception.

“Gourds Galore” by bill Longshaw

This past year was full of joy, sorrow and surprises.  My spouse got a new position in his company and was rewarded with a higher salary but had to sacrifice time away from his family for work. even though it has been stressful the kids and I have gotten used to him being away every Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday.  I am thankful that we are blessed with his job and the ability to afford to live in a great home in a great neighborhood.

This year we lost a few close pals and family members.  For a few months it seemed like someone died every week. We lost one person that I will never ever forget.  Over the summer my mother-in-law’s best pal died suddenly.  I was not aware that she was even sick. She was only 65 years old, loved the Lord and children.  She never married, instead she devoted her life to teaching children and serving Jesus.  My kids adored her and she was a lot more than just a friend; she was family. I am blessed to have known her and give gratitude this Thanksgiving for having the opportunity to get to know this kind and gentle woman.

I am also thankful for the terrific schools in my community. My five children have special needs and two of them are on the autism spectrum.  Having a good education and support system in the schools for my kids is very important.  Three of my children were blessed this year with the opportunity to attend a brand new elementary school.  No only is the building state-of-the-art, but the teachers are impressive too.  The school district staffed the school with the best teachers in the area who care deeply about the success of their students.  I give praise and gratitude to the Lord for this school.

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The a lot of crucial things I am thankful for is my health, the health of my family and living in the land of opportunity. When I enjoy the news or hear about other people’s struggles from my mother I know that God is looking out for me and my family. My kids live in a safe community, my spouse is healthy and has a good job and I have an easy life. This Thanksgiving, reflect on the past year and praise God for all your blessings. Viem že som.

Psalm 100:1-5 

A Psalm for giving thanks. Make a happy noise to the Lord, all the earth! serve the Lord with gladness! Come into his presence with singing! know that the Lord, he is God! It is he who made us, and we are his; we are his people, and the sheep of his pasture. enter his gates with thanksgiving, and his courts with praise! give thanks to him; bless his name! For the Lord is good; his steadfast love endures forever, and his faithfulness to all generations.

*This post was originally published on Thanksgiving Day, 2013

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