Calling miss Manners!

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By Catherine Ryan for life & beauty Weekly

Parties are the ideal time to let loose, catch up with friends as well as just have fun. as well as in general, party etiquette follows the standard guidelines of great manners: Bring your cheer, be friendly as well as always thank the host.But whether you’re attending a holiday party, wedding, business event or other celebration, you can in some cases discover yourself in an awkward situation as well as wishing miss Manners were by your side.“There are a few fundamental tricks you can discover that will get you through unpleasant party situations with poise as well as class,” says Lara Shriftman, co-author of party Confidential: new etiquette for incredible Entertaining.Follow Shriftman’s strategies, as well as you’ll emerge from these typical sticky situations as the polite as well as gracious woman you are — as well as with your festive mood intact.Sticky situation No. 1: You’re stuck with someone you don’t like.Smart Solution: Make a graceful exit.You may be tempted to down your glass of red wine so you can getaway to the bar, however there’s a much more polite – ako my ll as less intoxicating — way out of a dead-end conversation: “Excuse yourself to go to the ladies’ room,” suggests Shriftman. then really go, even if to just touch up your makeup. That way, ought to the guest view you, she won’t feel abandoned.If you’d rather prevent a restroom layover, wait for a lull in the conversation, then say, “Excuse me, I just saw my neighbor/friend/co-worker, as well as I have to say hi.” said in a warm as well as apologetic tone, it won’t seem as if you’re determined to flee.VIPs, however, are one exception to these getaway strategies, says Shriftman. ought to your boss’s wife be the one droning on, stick it out as long as you can. then introduce her to someone who may have much more in typical with her. stay as well as chat for a moment, then excuse yourself, recommends Shriftman. This thoughtful method guarantees she’s not left alone.Sticky situation No. 2: You see someone you want to meet. smart Solution: introduce yourself in a smart way.Whether for business or pleasure, parties are a fantastic opportunity to network. however a clumsy attempt to satisfy can backfire, says Shriftman.If the person is talking with a group, join in the conversation. “Don’t ever interrupt, though,” says Shriftman. It’s typical sense however likewise an often-ignored courtesy. If you’re uncertain exactly how to integrate yourself, say something to a guest on the periphery, she says. ultimately the group will break up, which is the best time to introduce yourself.Too shy to jump in? “Ask someone you understand — a associate or the host — to introduce you,” says Shriftman. having a go-between likewise elevates you from “stranger” to “friend of a friend,” which can enhance your very first impression.Following the name exchange, explain why you wanted to satisfy the person. Say, “I’m a huge fan of your work” or some variation, then comply with up with specifics. knowing you’re familiar with her accomplishments puts her at simplicity for a conversation beyond “nice to satisfy you.”If you have an program (e.g., you want to interview at her company), don’t spring it on her at the party. Doing so puts her on the spot, says Shriftman. Instead, tell her that you’d love to continue the discussion as well as ask if you can email or call her to set up a meeting. then excuse yourself after about five minutes so as not to monopolize her time.Sticky situation No. 3: Your manager is tipsy as well as making a scene.Smart Solution: distance yourself as well as prevent involvement. Sometimes, mixing colleagues as well as cocktails together can make painful moments. ought to one of those moments include the boss, make a beeline for the door. Although you may want to avoid — or see — your higher-up’s unprofessional antics, it’s not your place to play party cop, says Shriftman. Plus, if you didn’t see anything, you can’t be pulled into the watercooler gossip the next day.To prevent an unpleasant morning after, stay mum about the encounter. “She probably regrets her behavior, soNajlepšie je ignorovať incident, “hovorí Shriftman. Ak to spomenie, dajte ju na jednoduchosť a povie: „Neboj sa s tým. Všetci majú tie noci. “ Komentár je nesúdny spôsob, ako uzavrieť knihu. Stimálna situácia č. 4: Niekto robí ofenzívny vtip. Riešenie SMART: Presmerujte zameranie konverzácie. Väčšina ľudí sa uvoľní, keď sa teší na večierok, najmä po pohári červeného vína – alebo tri. Znížené zábrany však môžu mať za následok nepríjemné alebo nevhodné diskusie. Mal by kolegu hosťom večere povedať niečo sexistické alebo rasistické, vaše rozhorčenie pravdepodobne hovorí: Tvárte mu teraz. To je však chyba. „Namiesto toho sa ospravedlňte do miestnosti dámy, ak sa skutočne nepohodlí; Nikdy nerobte scénu, “hovorí Shriftman. „Je to neslušné pre vášho hostiteľa, ako aj pre ostatných hostí, pretože konfrontácia pravdepodobne zničí večer.“ Môžete tiež zmeniť predmet. Napríklad kompliment jedla čerpá záujem od neochvejného hosťa a prináša chválu vášmu hostiteľovi – dvojitý bonus! Ak by ste sa mali osloviť primeranosti páchateľa, „povedzte niečo neskôr, jeden na jeden,“ hovorí Shriftman. A zaujme nekomupatívny prístup, ako je tento: „Rozladil ma, keď si urobil tento vtip, rovnako ako som ťa potreboval nechať presne pochopiť, ako sa cítim.“ Predovšetkým nenechajte jeden komentár zničiť tvoj večer. Zhlboka sa nadýchnite a zamerajte sa na pozitívne aspekty noci, ako je možnosť prepojiť sa s priateľmi. Stimulačná situácia č. 5: Ukážete sa, ako aj nikomu nerozumiete. Riešenie: Používajte zdvorilých konverzácií. Postavenie okolo trápne nie je zábavné, takže pomocou svojho sólového stavu uspokojíte nových ľudí. Vaša prvá zastávka: Bar, aj keď pijete iba sódu. Hostia sú zvyčajne samostatne alebo v pároch. Rovnako ako šance nebudú uprostred významného rozhovoru. „Najlepší štartér sa presne pýta, ako niekto pozná hostiteľa,“ hovorí Shriftman. Začínajúc s niečím, čo obaja máte v typickom-vašom vzájomnom dobrom priateľovi-prirodzene preskočenie úvodu aj Chat.Next, môžete spomenúť niečo o večierku a príležitosti-sviatky, domácnosť, propagácia, propagácia. Ak ste stále pahýbe na krmivo, spoliehajte sa na zásoby otázok s otvoreným koncom (nie áno alebo nie): Kam cestujete na sviatky? Aké skvelé knihy ste nedávno čítali? Milujem tvoj outfit, kde si ho dostal? Znamená to, že vás zaujíma, ako aj zapojení, a prenášate zodpovednosť za rozhovor s niekým iným. Čoskoro budete pracovať na miestnosti a zabudnete na svoj sólový stav. Okrem toho sa očakáva, že strany budú zábavné. Poznanie niekoľkých pokročilých P, ako aj Q, vám pomôže uvoľniť sa, ako aj oslavovať bez obáv. , Óda, ako aj rodičia. Pravidelne prispieva k týždennému životu a kráse.

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Odkaz na tento príspevok: volanie slečny Manners!
Súvisiaca meningitída – príčiny, ako aj príznaky


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